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Inception of BGA (Ball Grid Array) has a huge contribution in the development of Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs). BGA is a type of Surface Mount packaging, with the help of which devices like microprocessors can be permanently mounted on a PCB. The low inductance of BGAs allow them to deliver superior electrical performance. They have a good heat conduction because of which the heat that is produced by the chip or IC (Integrated Circuit) is transmitted through the entire PCB. This stops chip from overheating. In this post, we will discuss some advantages of BGA, and the process of BGA soldering.
Nowadays, BGA is preferred in most of the PCB manufacturing companies, because of the number of advantages it offers. Here are some of the major advantages of BGA, which make it popular in PCB manufacturing process.
BGA Soldering Process
It requires an expertise, finesse, and practice to solder BGA packages. Hot air is used for soldering BGA. Here is the procedure that you can follow for a decent BGA soldering.
If done correctly, BGA soldering is very reliable. For assistance you can always get help from the experts. One such expert in BGA soldering is Creative Hi-Tech. The company has a huge experience in the field and can help you with your PCB design requirements.