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A Guide to IPC Standard for PCBs

A Guide to IPC Standard for PCBs

Nov 12,2019

Compliance to quality standards is critical when it comes to electronic printed circuit board design and manufacturing. Following such recognized international standards not only helps the PCB manufacturer to assure superior quality, reliability and consistency but also contributes in maintaining a competitive position in the marketplace. One such widely recognized international standard that governs the design, assembly, inspection, testing, and documentation stages of PCB fabrication is the Institute for Printed Circuits (IPC). IPC is formulated with a goal of ensuring performance and reliability of PCBs and electronic products. IPC, which is the trade association for the electronic interconnection industry, is a member-driven organization consisting designers, suppliers, board manufacturers, assembly companies, government, educational and not-profit organizations, among others. What are the benefits of joining IPC? There are many! Let’s look at a few amongst them.

Popular IPC standards of PCB at a Glance

Before moving on to discussing the benefits of joining the organization, let’s have a look at a few amongst the popular IPC standards for PCBs.

  • Electronic Components: J-STD-020, J-STD-033, and J-STD-075
  • Printed Circuit Boards
    • Materials: IPC-4101, IPC-4200 series, IPC-412 and IPC-4562
    • Fabrications: IPC-4101, IPC-4200 series, IPC-412 and IPC-4562
  • Electronic Assemblies
    • Materials: J-STD-004, IPC-HDBK-005, and J-STD-006
    • General Assembly: IPC-A-610, J-STD-001, IPC-7095, IPC-HDBK-830, IPC/WHMA-A-620 and IPC-7711/771
    • Design: IPC 2200 series and IPC-7351

  • Top 6 Benefits of Joining IPC

    Other than achieving competitive excellence and financial success, what are the benefits of joining the IPC? As a member-driven organization and leading source for industry standards, IPC helps you in the following ways:

    It is critical that the PCB manufacturers infuse quality throughout the manufacturing process in order to stay competitive in the marketplace. Including more than 225 active standards from design and purchasing to assembly and acceptance, IPC standard for PCB helps you make high-quality, reliable products that meet customer expectations.

    Hence, when a PCB manufacturer claims that its processes are IPC compliant, you can be assured of receiving exceptional PCB and electronic assembly services, exceeding your expectations. Now you know the importance of connecting with a PCB fabricator who follows IPC standards for PCBs, isn’t it? So, this post ends by letting you know about such a leading PCB designer and fabricators whose processes are not only IPC-WHMA-A-610 Compliant and IPC-CC-830B Compliant but also ISO 9001:2008 Certified. It is Creative Hi Tech, who work with their clients from the start of the PCB design process to deliver boards that meet IPC standard for PCBs and assures quality, performance, and durability. 

    • Stay Updated:

      IPC sends its members weekly, bimonthly and quarterly e-newsletters with current information on newly released standards, new technologies, innovative design practices, market trends, among others. With such timely updates, you will stay updated and can plan your business accordingly.

    • Get the Information from Reliable Sources:

      IPC maintains a responsive member’s only website through which you can connect to experts and get your queries resolved. Be it technology, environmental compliance and management issues or the latest market trends or simply business, you will get accurate response from the team.

    • Avail Services at Reduced Costs:

      It is exclusive for the IPC members to avail 50% discount on standards and training materials. Also, IPC encourages its members to visit the IPC annual trade shows and conferences and exhibit the products.

    • Marketing Opportunities:

      PCB design and manufacturing is a highly competitive business these days. Hence, you can’t afford missing any forum that provides you with excellent marketing opportunities. By joining IPC, its members get a wonderful opportunity to list their products and services with a logo on the website. Since it is a platform with a more than 4,800 member companies around the world, you will surely get benefited with such listing. You can also sponsor IPC technical and management conferences, which is also one of the best way of you getting noticed in the crowd.

    • Improve Contacts:

      IPC is the international platform that brings PCB fabricators, EMS providers, OEMs, industry suppliers, government agencies, and educational institutions under one roof. Here you get the chance to “speak the same language” and earn new contacts. You never know how the relationship may help you in in the near future.

    • Control over Quality:

      As mentioned earlier, IPC standard of PCB covers every stage of the PCB design and manufacturing. By compliance to such standards, you can be assured producing the boards that offer better performance and longer life.  

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